Exhibitor Area

Welcome to the Exhibitor Area of Harrogate Fashion Week, February 2025

Please complete the Exhibitor Form to allow us to promote the brands that will be attending Harrogate Fashion Week

Exhibitor Marketing Material

Marketing Assets for Promotion – Download Here


Click Here to Complete the Form

This area of our website contains all the operational information you need to aid your participation in the show.  The exhibitor manual and all associated forms are listed below for you to download as needed. Please download and save a copy of our Exhibitor Manual and read thoroughly as this will contain most of the answers to your questions regarding your participation in the show.

Our standbuilders, Full Circle, now have an online portal for you to complete all the information and ordering in relation to your shell scheme stand.  This includes submitting your stand plan, nameboard form and ordering any additional extras you may need for your stand including lighting and rails.

You will be sent a personalised login which allows you access to the portal.  The portal itself can be found at this link: https://harrogatefashionfebruary2025.exhibitconnect.co.uk/

If you experience any issues with the portal, please contact Full Circle on 0161 3933949 or harrogatefashion@fullcircleeventsltd.co.uk.

Please complete the Exhibitor Form to allow us to promote the brands that will be attending Harrogate Fashion Week

Operational Downloads February 2025:

Exhibitor Manual




Space Only Exhibitors Information & Guidelines


Furniture Order Form


Catering Order Form


AD Bell Graphics Information


Harrogate Convention Centre Event Traffic Procedures


Harrogate Convention Centre Mobiledock Guide


Harrogate Convention Centre Site Rules


Harrogate Convention Centre Emergency Procedures

Link to Order IT services –Click Here

Exhibitor Badges can be ordered via this link – https://eventdata.uk/Exhibitor/HarrogateFashionWeekFeb2025.aspx

Visitor Scanners can be ordered via this link – https://eventdata.uk/Scanner/HarrogateFashionWeekFeb2025.aspx

For any operational queries please contact Georgia on georgia@harrogatefashionweek.com or 01423 623701

Exhibitor Warning:
Do NOT work with these companies: Expo Guides / Fairguide / Construct Data

Recently, third parties such as those above have been contacting exhibitors for entries into show guides and sale of our data which I can assure you they do not have. These companies are NOT part of Harrogate Fashion Week and they are NOT working on our behalf.

Expo-Guide and Fairguide.com regularly publicise their services to exhibitors at events, primarily in Europe. These companies use a misleading form, which resembles an organiser’s Free Catalogue Listing Service. They invite exhibitors to sign and return the form for an entry in an on-line directory. Doing so contracts the purchaser into a three-year, non-retractable agreement. Non-payment is then followed by aggressive debt collecting by Premium Recovery.

We strongly advise all exhibitors to be vigilant against organisations such as these. Please be aware and read the small print details before signing any documents.